5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals Hall of Fame

Tonny Laebel
Louise Bohnstedt Weirhrauch

CPHI of the Year 2018 Louise Bohnstedt Weihrauch & Tonny Laebel
CPHI of the Year (2016 & 2018)

High visions for the field and great thoroughness characterize Louise and Tonny, who have practiced hypnotherapy for 8 and 10 years respectively. The two met at a hypnosis conference in 2014 and immediately realized that they shared a great passion for the spread of our amazing tools. Since then, among many things, they have started a Danish hypnosis association whose purpose is to gather hypnosis-Denmark and embrace the diversity of our fantastic field. Hereby focusing on raising the professionalism of hypnotherapists and increasing the visibility of hypnosis as therapeutic treatment.

One of Louise's and Tonny's latest projects is to start a multi-year research project on the effect of hypnosis on learning in collaboration with a Danish university. A project that has taken many years to develop and most recently has shown its effect in a pilot project which was the starting point for the interest from the world of research.

In 2016 and 2018 Louise and Tonny received the CPHI of The Year Award.

Louise and Tonny's hypnosis school "Hypnosehuset Danmark" (The Hypnosis House Denmark) is characterized, among other things by its constant development. In Denmark, Louise and Tonny have set new standards for the field and for teaching. They are the ones who go ahead and inspire others and are known for their ability to create great educational environments. Louise and Tonny are constantly training to be able to contribute to their hypnosis school with sharp teaching and are appreciated by their students for meeting them with heart and authenticity.


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